For our A2 Media Studies production, our group has the members Megan Hogben, Bhawana Siwa and Georgie Watts. From our AS productions, we gained various different skills which we can bring together to contribute to this A2 film task. We all have different favourite genres and knowledge of these so we can all bring different ideas to the group to create a diverse collection of thoughts and attitudes.
We all had varying ideas initially so chose three genres (with sub genres) and researched one each. Our plan was to research each individually and then group together and discuss our ideas once we had a more fleshed-out knowledge of our genre. We chose specific films related to these genres to give us an idea of 
what our film product would be like and studied their trailers to get a feel of the style and conventions that would become part of our own if we chose that genre to use for our production.

what our film product would be like and studied their trailers to get a feel of the style and conventions that would become part of our own if we chose that genre to use for our production.
Our chosen genres were:
Bhawana - Horror, with the sub genre of comedy-horror with a focus on the films Scream and Scary Movie
Megan - Crime, sub genre thriller - specific films, Inception and Sherlock Holmes.
Georgie - Western, with the sub-genre of spoof, focusing on The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and Blazing Saddles
We didn't want to choose any genres that could be aimed at our own age range such as teen film, romcom and urban drama because we felt it would not be challenging enough and wouldn't allow us to stand out against other candidates.

We chose these genres because they have classic conventions, especially in their trailers, and allow for us to adjust these for our audience once we decide our audience profile.
By looking at the film posters, we can also think about wat to include in our ancillary tasks, and look at the codes of posters in these genres.
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